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 ·  ☕ 4 min read


Name Description
Steve George a London-based technologist who began his career during the dot-com boom, focusing on developing, deploying, and administering systems. Over time, he transitioned to roles in business management and people leadership, with a strong interest in open-source software. Beyond his professional pursuits, Steve is passionate about skiing, enjoys cats and pretzels, and maintains a keen interest in technology’s impact on society. He describes himself as an optimist about technology, a pessimist about politics, and a realist about society, encapsulated in his blog’s name, “Futurile,” a blend of “future” and “futile.” ​
Micah Lerner I am an engineer interested in maps, space, and futuristic ideas. I currently work on the SRE team at Google. Previously, I helped build the Geospatial datasets powering Mapbox. Before that, I was an early employee at Strava, where I worked on the infrastructure team.
Jack Baty Jack Baty has delivered newspapers and dug ditches. He also co-founded and managed a small web development studio for 25 years. He is currently focused on photography, writing on his various blogs, and tinkering with tech of all kinds. Jack has given himself the cheeky title of “Director of Unspecified Services”. He lives in west Michigan with his wife and dog.
Daniela Brozzoni Hey, I’m Daniela. I’m a Bitcoin enthusiast and a software developer. I love Rust 🦀 and I spend most of my time contributing to BitcoinDevKit.
Matus Goljer Emacs hacker, spaces > tabs
学无止境 正努力减肥的微胖子,喜欢用 Emacs 的非程序员,曾经也是个有名的博客 在无垠的太空中,听有节奏而低沉的轰鸣
roife Roife, 对 PL/Compilers, Emacs, 摄影, Furry 感兴趣
Michał Sapka
My favorite technical blogs
Robin Linus Bitcoin, Applied cryptography. Usability and scalability research Open source software engineering Product design, development, and simplicity
James O’Beirne lofty zen crud, eating like a caveman, detective novels
Nic Carter believe in freedom, Lockean property rights, and free enterprise
nickler mostly working on open-source and research projects in the Bitcoin space at Blockstream.
Lukasʼ Blog A blog about programming, Rust 🦀, computer graphics and other stuff. I do open source work on GitHub and I try to occasionally answer questions on StackOverflow.
苏子岳 Lirian Su, 我叫苏子岳,出生在湖南岳阳。 这个名字的由来也跟我的出生地有关: 父母既希望我像诸子百家一样才华横溢, 也希望我像山岳一样坚实可靠。 Lirian Su 是我的英文名。 Lirian 是我高中写的小说的主角之一, 他的人设就像我期望的那样: 文可静心作解,武能以一敌百。
(iterate think thoughts): About
Holy on Dev
Neil Gaiman Neil Gaiman’s work has been honoured with many awards internationally, including the Newbery and Carnegie Medals. His books and stories have also been honoured with Hugos, Nebulas, the World Fantasy Award, Bram Stoker Awards, Locus Awards, British SF Awards, British Fantasy Awards, Geffens, Mythopoeic Awards, and numerous others.
Blogs - Without boats, dreams dry up In civilizations without boats, dreams dry up, espionage takes the place of adventure, and police take the place of pirates.
Rek Bell — about I, rek, live aboard the sailboat pino somewhere in the Salish Sea. I am committed to fighting normative violence, fascism, colonialism, and white supremacy in all of its forms. To undermine the capitalist structure and its abusive scripts about human worth in relation to work, productivity, and ownership. To subvert oppressive gender norms and put in question the binary. To actively unlearn biased and colonial thinking. I am aggressively opposed to racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, nationalism, ethnocentrism, religious fundamentalism, and oppressive and coercive power structures of all kinds.
Gergely Nagy A tiny mouse, a hacker. Wannabe bachelor of arts, a luddite, pretending to be a software engineer, ex-Debian developer, strong believer in copyleft, Lisp fanboy, NixOS enjoyer, and a few other boring things.
Xiaowen.Z Deployed 任职过研发部,运维部门,生产治理部门,企业架构部门,期间也考了 CFA,FRM 等对工作无用但对人生有益的偏门学科,有丰富而诡异的从业经历。喜欢拍照,喜欢烹饪,喜欢看笑话,喜欢讲笑话,偶尔阅读,偶尔健身,认真,喜欢骂脏话,不与人结伍,是一个孩子的父亲。
JedXu JedXu,前端拾荒者
Lan Tian @Blog
椒盐豆豉 喜欢就买 不行就分 多喝热水 重启电脑
探索子博客🍁 计算机科学技术、生活感悟、言论与思想,以及其它不便分类的内容
静かな森 Innei 的博客, 致虚极,守静笃。
Yunpeng Tai A geek about mathematics, machine learning and NLP.
big world big world - i’m just a girl
土木坛子的博客 土木坛子 - 和光同尘,与时舒卷
Sulv’s Blog 一个记录技术、阅读、生活的博客
Eric Wong 的博客 时光荏苒岁月如梭
Парящий Медведь A computer scientist working in open source towards a more hopeful future.
猫猫博客 猫猫摸鱼
叶子的花园 靡不有初,鲜克有终
Random Thoughts ; The Sky Won’t Fall? Lars Ingebrigtsen. His day day job used to be a CTO in banking, but I relax by doing some Emacs work.
Dave Pacheco's Blog a software engineer in the San Francisco bay area. love Rust, C, and Unix.
Geo’s Notepad Mostly Programming and Math a software developer and architect who currently works in the field of medical imaging
Blog - Austin Z. Henley work on AI + developer tools at Microsoft as a PM on the PROSE research team.
Philip Kaludercic
Randy’s Blog 前端程序员
Michael Durham used a camera to document subjects that are often beyond human perception
Matt Keeter mattkeeter
Matt Keeter Weird CAD and graphics research; embedded software and systems engineering.
oimo 一个日本的学生,写了很多图形相关的东西 jfieowjfieowjfieow
Vorner’s random stuff A programmer, climber, suffer from chronic lack of free time,Huge fan of the „Ha ha only serious“ attitude. ,self-appointed member of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
About Amy Tobey a parent, systems engineer, musician, and more.
Brian interested in information security, UI design, and puzzles.
YULAN LIN a data nerd with experience in everything from bioinformatics to NLP, in industries that span nonprofits to government
ttalk 一个擅长于写 CRUD 的程序员,准自由职业者。在时间自由之路上不断探索的布道者。
preshing Jeff Preshing, Canadian computer programmer. focus on C++ and Python
Natan Yellin Natan Yellin
Matt Brubeck Matt Brubeck
Bin Wang - My Personal Blog Bin Wang (王斌)
Ken Shirriff’s blog Computer history, restoring vintage computers, IC reverse engineering, and whatever
Lu Hui 的博客
午夜咖啡 午夜咖啡
LemonHX 柠檬 🍋 浣熊酱~ 柠檬是柠檬的柠檬
Julia Evans Jlia Evan a software developer. live in Montreal
g4ba g4ba
cliffle cliffle
ouuan ouuan
小恶魔 小惡魔 - AppleBOY
Keep Coding
[lgmoneda] (
dr-qubit dr-qubit
MetroWind MetroWind
meain/blog Abin Simon, a Research Engineer
Gee Law’s Blog
Hi, DIYgod
Mike Perham
Pure White go JERRY Origin Code Base 老海尔 给 Nick Cao 打钱 艾雨寒 是猫猫糖
wizard zines 很有意思的博客,linux comics
M-x Chris-An-Emacser | 一个 Emacs 爱好者的闲言碎语
Julia Evans
FC 老师
CS Slayer | Unlimited Code Works
银色子弹 — 银色子弹
A Journey With Go
Blanchon Vicent
laike9m’s blog 捕蛇者说
血衫非弧の一存 k8s,网络, 我的校友
Kerin's Blog 一个有趣的前端打工人, 我的同事
Coding Killed the Cat
Just lepture
那些電影教我的事 - Lessons from Movies
Getting Title at 1:23
Nyanshell Write Works
“刘悦的技术博客” python 编程,python 是啥?,python 能做什么?,python 语言,python 软件快速实践
李苦李 架构师、数据库专家
StoneMoe’s Blog
Yang 的后花园
依云’s Blog archlinux
Dmitry Vyukov
青藤木鸟 分布式系统、分布式存储
LoopJump 基础设施、数据存储与计算、系统性能
Paper Tail Writing about distributed systems
Eli Bendersky’s website
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